Articles I've Read (2014-11-03)
Computers have trouble with the many human languages. I really dislike the author's tone of "Asian languages suck", which I think is mostly in jest. Still, human languages were here first. I do wonder how text would be represented differently if computers were invented in China.
I don't really feel reading insecurity. In fact, I probably read more now than I did before I was a heavy internet user, even if most of what I read are shorter articles instead of books.
The problem with MOOCs is that (1) (most) people don't know what they need to know, and (2) (most) people are not reflective enough to find out.
I never realized that Cantonese has its own proverbs separate from what people usually consider Chinese proverbs/idioms.
Everyone who thinks about gender issues should watch this video of street harassment...
..and maybe help expose people who are online harassers.
A researcher hypothesizes that age is just a mindset, that if we trick our brain into believing that we're young, the body responds according.
Speaking of neuroscience, the reason the Ship of Theseus is paradoxical is because we believe identities can only have one examplar.
I will buy dinner for whoever explains the general case for this mathematical puzzle.