Justin Li

Hiding Individual Code Cells in Jupyter


One annoyance I have with Jupyter Notebooks is that there is built-in no way to hide the code. The way I use Jupyter, I tend to create headings and text in Markdown, but then I have to scroll past a bunch of code before I get to the plots. This is particularly annoying when I'm sharing a notebook with non-programmers, since they don't care about the code at all.

FIXME image

Most of the solutions for this problem insert code to hide all code blocks in the entire notebook, but that's not what I want either. My ideal solution would be to be able to show and hide each individual code block, so I can edit the code for that cell if necessary.

Procrastinating over this weekend finally led to to code up a solution. The result looks like this:

FIXME image

The relevant code is in the first code block:

def create_hide_code():

            function code_toggle(button) {
                button = $(button);
                var input = button.parents(".cell").children(".input");
                if (input.css("display") === "none") {
                    button.html("Show Code");
                } else {
                    button.html("Hide Code");

    def hide_code():
        timestamp = str(monotonic_ns())
            <button id="''' + timestamp + '''" onclick="javascript:code_toggle(this);">
                Hide Code
                setTimeout(function () {
                    var button = $("#''' + timestamp + '''");
                    button.html("Show Code");
                }, 500);

    return hide_code

This function consists of two parts. First, it loads into the notebook a JavaScript function that toggles whether the code is visible. Second, it defines and returns another function, which can be called to hide code. To use it, simply call hide_code() in the code blocks you want to hide:

FIXME image

When the cell is run, this will hide the code and display a "Show Code" button, which I can use to toggle the code for editing if necessary.

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